

The Signal graph displays the resultant (all 3 axes combined) accelerations of the left foot in the top half of the graph (orange) and the right foot in the bottom half of the graph (green). This graph is useful for assessing general activity trends, like when turnarounds occurred and shapes of the movement patterns. Below is a typical Signal graph for a run:

Signal graph for a run

Signal graph for a run

The blue sections indicate sections of the activity that were not running. These sections are omitted from the summary calculations.

The main gait features that are visible in the Signal graph are the ground contact, the swing phase, and toe off and foot strikes. Some individuals will present different toe off and foot strike shapes on each foot. Before drawing any conclusions from this, make sure to check that this is a persistent pattern throughout the whole activity, and not a one off.

Gait phases in the signal graph

Phases of gait in the Signal graph


Speed (Maximum)


Signal x-axis