Speed (Maximum)
Maximum speed is the top speed achieved over an activity. Maximum speed would typically be used for sprints and as a measure of power.
Normative values of mean max running speeds for male soccer players of different ages
* Repeated sprint is the mean speed over 10 trials of a 30m sprint with 30s rest between trials
Normative values of mean max speed for elite male sprinters of different ages
Power and sprint speed - 3 repetition max (RM) power clean and measures of jump squat power, relative to body weight, are correlated significantly with 10m sprint speed. 3RM full squat and loaded jump squat performance, relative to body weight, are significantly correlated with 40m sprint speed.
Sprint speed and hamstring activation - When treadmill running speed increased from 85% to 95% of max speed, hamstring muscle activation significantly increased during late swing phase. At 75%, 85%, and 95% of max speed, activation of semitendinosis was significantly greater than activation of biceps femoris during the middle swing phase. Thus hamstring injury may be more likely at these high speeds.